water project

We hope you'll consider supporting our water project. With your donation we can help provide clean, safe and reliable water to a community in Africa. In music class, our students do a unit every year learning about African culture and the challenges they face with regards to clean water.

Our students are always so saddened to learn that children are required to go get the water before they are allowed to go to school. Many times this includes walking several miles in dangerous conditions. Every year our students have asked how we could help them get water at their school. Mrs. Helle has finally turned these pleas into reality by organizing this water project campaign.

This service project is teaching our students how to help others that are less fortunate and teaching the lifelong lesson of having empathy for others. Our goal at Scott City R-I is to raise $15,000 that will go towards digging a well at the school. We would appreciate your help supporting our cause and sharing our page. The students are so excited about this project, but we need your help in order to reach our goal. 

Click Here To Donate to SCWaterProjectwater proejct