Congratulations to the following Scott City high school art students for having artwork accepted and displayed at the Sikeston Depot Art Show. We have 11 pieces in the show and 5 of those pieces placed for ribbons. This is a very impressive show that demonstrates talent from all over Southeast Missouri. Please stop by and check out the Sikeston Depot and the amazing artwork within. Following are the students that have artwork in the show and the places they received.
Ramsey Spinks
Jessa Overbey - 2nd place and honorable mention
Marian Meadows - honorable mention
Allysa Pruitt - 3rd place
Rhiannon Amick - 3rd place
Makayla Spies
Heather Hillsgen
Dayln Littlepage
This has been a very successful year for the Scott City High School and Scott City Elementary art departments. Scott City students have successfully represented the district in multiple artshows all over the state. Mr. Conaway and all of Scott City Schools are very proud of all of these very talented Scott City students.