Tutoring/Mentoring Requirement

The criteria of the A+ Schools Program requires that students seeking A+ status must perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring for other students. Listed below are the A+ schools guidelines concerning tutoring or mentoring.

  • Tutoring/mentoring must be school sponsored.

  • The student must go through an orientation/training before the mentoring/tutoring will begin.

  • The official time sheet must be signed and dated by the school sponsoring official in charge of that tutoring or mentoring activity.

  • Tutoring/mentoring may be done during the school year or during summer school.

  • All tutoring/mentoring must be done on school premises.

  • All tutoring/mentoring experiences must begin before February 2nd in the year the student will graduate.

  • The student is expected to be present at the agreed upon day and time for tutoring/mentoring.

  • If an absence must occur, the student is expected to notify the adult in charge of the tutoring/mentoring experience.

Tutors will need to schedule tutoring sessions with the A+ Coordinator or the Cadet teaching sponsor. The following list contains possible opportunities that will count toward the 50 hours of unpaid tutoring/mentoring requirement of the A+ Schools Program:

  • Elementary School Tutoring/Mentoring

  • Middle School Tutoring/Mentoring

  • High School Tutoring/Mentoring

  • A+ Course: Counts as 1/2 credit of practical arts (for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors)

  • The A+ course is offered during the fall semester, spring semester, and during summer school.

  • Opportunities as approved by the A+ Coordinator

A current list of approved tutoring/mentoring activities and the contact person for these activities will be posted in the Counselor’s Office and the A+ Coordinator’s Office.


Compliance - The tutor must be meeting the requirement of the A+ program to take the A+ course. Cumulative grade point average must be at least 6.875 or higher and cumulative attendance must be at least 95% or higher.

Behavior – The tutor is expected to behave as the more mature member of the tutoring team. The behavior of the tutor is as important for the person receiving the tutoring as the subject matter. Express confidence in the person’s ability and praise his/her successes.
Promptness – The tutor is expected to be on time for tutoring sessions and to use the time wisely.
Compensation – The tutor is not to receive money or other compensation for tutoring. The compensation, upon completion of all requirements, will be tuition and fees for your continued education.
Confidentiality – Confidentiality (both during and after the tutor’s assignment) concerning any student whom the tutor assists is required in order to participate. Privileged information given by the student, the student’s parents, and/or teachers must be kept private and confidential. If your student reaches out to you with problems that require outside help, immediately report this to the supervising teacher before leaving the building.


Any single significant action, or repeated actions, in violation of school district policy or procedures may result in the termination of the opportunity to tutor. The student will then be assigned another class if scheduled for Cadet Teaching during the school day. Disclosure of information to others not involved with the tutee will be considered a breach of contract and could result in dismissal from the A+ tutoring program and/or other disciplinary action.