Grade Point Requirement
To be eligible for the A+ schools financial assistance, the student must graduate with a cumulative, non-weighted grade point average of 2.5 or above. Scott City High School uses an 11 point grading system, therefore students must graduate with a cumulative, non-weighted grade point average of 6.875 or above. The cumulative grade point average is for the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years and is calculated using semester grades (not quarter grades). A student with a cumulative average of 2.4999 or lower on 4 point scale and 6.874 or lower on an 11 point scale will not qualify for A+ status. The student’s official transcript will serve as evidence of grade point average for admission into an approved Missouri public community college or Missouri public vocational/technical school.
The A+ participant has the responsibility to closely monitor his/her grade point average. Updates will be provided to all A+ students and parents on the students’ report card. Final determination of A+ eligibility cannot be made until an A+ participant graduates and his/her final GPA is calculated.