Financial Incentives
Students who graduate from an A+ designated high school may qualify for a state-paid financial incentive to attend any public community college or career/technical school in Missouri if the students successfully meet the requirements. In addition, some four year institutions may offer financial incentives for students who meet A+ criteria.
A+ students are under no obligation to use the A+ financial benefits. The benefits are earned by each individual student and are not transferable to any other student. Receipt of private scholarships will not affect an A+ participant’s eligibility for benefits.
Financial need is not a factor in determining an A+ participants eligibility for A+ benefits. However, an A+ participant is required to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to determine eligibility for non-payback financial aid (i.e. Pell Grant, Missouri State Grant, Supplementary Education Opportunity Grant). Visit for details.
A student who graduates at the end of the first semester of his or her senior year is eligible to receive A+ funds for the semester immediately following, as long as the student has met all program eligibility requirements.
Educational incentives will be provided as long as state funds are appropriated by the legislature.