The Scott City R-1 School District is located south of Cape Girardeau, MO on I-55. We believe in doing what is best for our students. The Scott City R-1 School Board of Education (BOE) is composed of community members who really care about our students and staff. The BOE firmly believes in supporting our students, staff and community by always putting the education of our students first. The BOE has 4 primary goals for the Scott City R-1 School District:
SCR1 Board of Education Goals:
Increase students' ability to read.
Create teacher-leaders who collaborate and thrive.
Grow and maintain high levels of morale throughout the district.
Create 21st century leaners through the use of technology.
Graduate responsible and productive members of our community.
For more information about board meetings or to be placed on the agenda please contact the Superintendent's office at (573) 264-2131.